Imagine working hard to transform a clever idea into an actual product or service, investing money, time and effort to develop the perfect solution, and getting no sales after launching it?
Not only is it difficult on your forecasted growth, but it’s also demoralizing for the teams involved.
When you launch a new product, there are two key elements to take into consideration:
While the first one seems rather obvious, the importance of the second element is often overlooked. With only 5% of product launches actually successful, the messaging definitely needs to be part of your product launch strategy if you want to ensure success.
Here are some key elements to put on paper and gain alignment about:
Throughout my career, I’ve seen companies convinced they were launching the best solution, but when asked what problem they were trying to solve, they had to give a 5-minute explanation for me to understand…
It’s normal to fall in love with your solution, but you need to ensure your customers are going to quickly understand the problem you’re trying to solve. Don’t forget we live in the age of social media where the average person’s attention span is shorter than a goldfish’s.
A persona is a fictional description of your ideal customer. Personas are vital to a successful product launch because they allow you to put a ‘’face’’ to the user story, thus ensuring your messaging is on target.
Take the necessary time to define your persona(s) as much as you can… even giving it a name and a title. Afterwards, define the customer journey he/she will go through. How do they currently deal with the problem you’ve identified? Why is it a problem for them? How does your product/service solve that problem for them?
Knowing who your competitors are, and what they are offering, can help you to make your products, services and messaging stand out.
Even if your competitors offer the same solution as you do, it’s important for you to understand what your customers can choose from. Look at the various features and benefits through the eyes of your persona(s). What is the value proposition? Why are customers purchasing those products and services and how can you differentiate yours?
I like to limit the comparison to 2 or 3 criteria and represent the competition with a graph that shows where your solution fits, and how you can better stand out.
Now that you’ve figured out the problem your product/service solves, identified your persona(s) and your competition, it’s time to identify what makes your offer unique.
In as few words as possible, explain your solution to your target customer. Rank the benefits and focus on what your customer wants when he’s in the decision-making phase.
You’ve gone through all this, and customers still show no interest in your new solutions? Roll up your sleeves and dig into your messaging:
Did you focus enough on the benefits and not just the features? Y
Your customer wants to solve a problem, your job is to make sure you solve his pain points even before explaining how.
Is the message being developed by people too close to the product? Has the message been tested with your target audience? One quick, easy way to do so is to leverage your Social Media and start a conversation with your target customers. Do not underestimate it!
Are you fixing a real problem shared by enough people?
I mentioned earlier that sometimes, the creator of a solution falls in love with his solutions… and loses sight that the solution might be so niche that it’s not helping enough people to be a viable solution.
Are you too creative with the vocabulary used?
Are you using lingo that the masses won’t understand? But even more important: are you answering key questions people are asking on Google?
Let’s face it, the first place consumers go to find a product or a service is the almighty Google. Will customers find your solution easily? The vocabulary should not be reinvented by pushing out new, unique terms that mean nothing to the users. If nothing comes up with your own vocabulary during a Google search, it’s time to revisit your messaging.
Innovation MB is an Innovation Management Agency with a passionate team of professionals who will help accelerate your innovation journey to hit the market faster successfully.
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