An excellent article in Business Insider marked the difference between Creativity and Innovation well: “Creativity is the price of admission, but it’s innovation that pays the bills.
Having ideas is great, but it’s important that those ideas enable the company to improve its value proposition. All companies face the same reality: current operations make it difficult to allocate time to find good ideas for innovative products.
That’s why innovative companies make sure to give their employees creative space, allowing them to focus some of their time on finding inspiration. For example, sharing a summary of a book or article, webinars or other industry conferences or meetings, advanced training.
All of these are sources to stimulate creativity and provide input to the company’s innovation process. Allowing this space for discussion in a multidisciplinary team can stimulate creativity and innovation upstream of the new product process.
Ideation in relation with the company strategy
This is not about shoveling clouds, but about concretizing the medium and long terms objectives of the company in terms of its growth through new products and services. The team can have a goal of a few hours per week or per month to do research and sit down together to discuss it.
Concretely, if the company identifies as a pillar of its strategy the increase of its sales to existing customers, the focus of the teams will evolve around their needs, their habits, how they use existing products or services. By polarizing the creativity of the teams around the main pillars of the corporate strategy, the time spent discussing ideas will quickly pay off.
To get even more focus on the creativity of your teams, there are also a multitude of techniques that allow your multidisciplinary team to generate ideas that are beneficial to your customers, such as Design Thinking or Voice of Customer, to name a few. Once again, it’s a matter of channeling the creativity and time invested by multidisciplinary teams in order to obtain ideas that can evolve into more solid concepts, prototypes and market studies that will allow the idea to become a success on the market.
Creativity at all levels
To strengthen the company’s innovation culture, the search for ideas should be open to all. From these ideas come products or services, but also productivity improvements, cost reductions and so on! Although the innovation strategy is the driving force for creativity focused on the pillars of growth, it is important that a multidisciplinary team constitutes the ideation committee.
The diversity of points of view allows ideas to evolve into successful concepts. The point of view of a production engineer on an idea of customer service will perhaps make it possible to germinate a concept of products which answers at the same time the needs of the customer while being in the key competences of the company!
The role of the ideation committee is to collect the ideas, filter them with clear and known criteria, in order to redirect them to the appropriate departments, integrate them into a roadmap of new products or make the most promising ones evolve into product or service concepts.
Above all, it is important not to create a glass ceiling: innovation should not be the “responsibility” of managers: a culture of innovation is an excellent lever to stimulate employee commitment and allow them to concretely contribute to the company’s success!
The Corporate Innovation Ecosystem
Creativity and ideas are part of a company’s innovation ecosystem. The strategy, the portfolio of current projects, the roadmap of future projects, the process, the governance, are all interdependent elements that help convert a good idea into a good product. This is what supports your innovation culture. It’s what allows your employees to contribute to your success.
In short, creativity is not in opposition to innovation, it is part of the process, it is part of the approach to future success for the company. We hear it everywhere, we must learn to innovate, to reinvent ourselves, to rethink our business models… An idea.
Innovation MB is an Innovation Management Agency with a passionate team of professionals who will help accelerate your innovation journey to hit the market faster successfully. If you feel that your Product Manager struggles with the numerous short term requests and may benefit from some coaching, we can help!
Your Innovation Management Ecosystem is your path to success. Book a discovery call with one of your experts to find out how to take your Innovation Journey to the next level!