What can an Innovation Coach bring to your organization?
An Innovation Coach helps your team develop incremental products to avoid stagnation and execute on your product roadmap. The innovation coach provides companies with a catalyst for creativity and supplies resources and tools to foster change.
A coach will meet with your team to make suggestions or recommendations for new products, based on their expertise in areas like market research, customer discovery, prototyping and testing, or launching a business.
If an idea resonates with people in your company, it can be further vetted through more formalized processes like agile product management planning. The coach’s perspective, as an outsider, helps to provide fresh, new insight. A fresh perspective is often needed to solve a difficult problem.
The Importance of Innovation Coaching
In the last couple of years, companies have increasingly embraced innovation coaching as a way to bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be in regards to their product innovations.
The truth of it all is that innovation coaching acts as a bridge between individuals and teams to carry you toward your end goal. This allows each group to accomplish more while keeping everyone focused on product innovation.
In general, you can apply coaching principles to every stage of your project, from conception all the way through deployment. At any point in time, there are areas where a little creativity and problem-solving can make a big difference for you and your team.
When should you hire an Innovation Coach?
It’s important to know that when you bring in an innovation coach, you’re looking for a new mindset and attitude towards your Innovation Ecosystem. You have to feel that your team is ready to accelerate their creativity into product innovation before bringing in an innovation coach; otherwise, it could lead to increased tension and conflict among teammates instead of inspiring more teamwork and collaboration.
You’re ready for Innovation Coaching when your team is ready to accelerate and your company has reached a place in its growth where you need to launch your new product in a sustainable manner. Innovation Coaching may also help if you feel you have a competent team in place, but it doesn’t seem like they are making any progress.
There are many Innovation Workshops around today, but one problem with them is that they only last a couple of hours. Oftentimes it’s hard to evaluate the long-term effects of a workshop, which is why coaching may be better for your team.
Depending on your company’s situation, coaching can provide a more personalized experience, and can have a longer-lasting effect.
Tips for finding a quality Innovation Coach
One of your first steps should be to research coaches and their personal philosophies on product development. Is there a personality you’re drawn to or someone who has created great ROI for other companies? A coaching relationship takes a lot of time, energy and trust so it’s important to choose someone you feel comfortable with.
A good coach will help your team establish solid goals related to developing better products—whether they are more efficient in selling more products or creating new ideas that can be integrated into your current business model.
Your coach also needs to foster collaboration as part of your innovation process; if people working on different teams aren’t communicating well, it may result in a number of wasted resources and missed opportunities.
For innovators, think about not just hard skills but also the soft skills, such as the ability to listen and communicate.
Innovation through the development of new products or services is probably one of the most complicated aspects of a business; It’s cross-functional, it can have a significant impact on the future of the business and it’s usually a long-term play.
Although numerous aspects of product development are important, you may want to hone in and focus on one aspect, such as strategy, or market research, or your business case.
In essence, your coach should have the personality to cheer on your team and encourage it to reach new heights, to work collaboratively, to build skills, and above all, to listen to you and your team.
Some indicators of success of this collaboration will be:
How to Coach for Innovation
Become a partner in the thought process, ask questions to make sure you have considered every angle. Don’t hesitate to challenge the status quo and avoid being passive. Step out of your comfort zone and make bold moves, but also understand that it takes time to see a return on your investment.
Encourage people to learn to handle tasks on their own, so that they don’t need you to constantly do everything for them.
To create a business case pitch that attracts supporters, ensure that the main messages are going out clearly and that the strategy is not masked by a plethora of irrelevant information and too many numbers.
One way to back up the storytelling of the business case and the argument for return on investment is to use collaboration tools. These help to get away from hierarchical structures and move towards more collaborative ones.
Everybody on the Innovation team should feel they have a say in the process, that they can be heard.
For many companies, innovation coaching has become an integral part of fostering a culture of innovation. It’s also a great way to help keep innovation alive and well within companies who already have established processes for innovation.
In order to successfully scale- you have to find the right coaches who need to demonstrate the right behavior. Very often, that is easier said than done.
Innovation MB is an Innovation Management Agency with a passionate team of professionals who will help accelerate your innovation journey to hit the market faster successfully.
If you feel that your Product Manager struggles with the numerous short term requests and may benefit from some coaching, we can help!
Your Innovation Management Ecosystem is your path to success. Book a discovery call with one of your experts to find out how to take your Innovation Journey to the next level!